Products In Magazines (Total Products 2, Showing: 1 - 2)

Skywings is the only magazine dedicated to free flying in the United Kingdom, and is the official magazine of the British Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association.
First published in 1975, Skywings is a full colour A4 magazine that aims to inform, educate and entertain those who participate in the sport of hang gliding and paragliding, or who are interested in those sports.
It is distributed by mail to over 6,000 BHPA members as part of their membership package, and by subscription to countless more pilots and organisations around the world.
It is read by almost every UK hang glider, paraglider, paramotor and powered hang glider pilot, and includes up-to-date national and international news from the free-flying world, gliders and equipment reviews competition reports, interviews with personalities within the sport, travel features, safety advice and much much more!.
Skywings carries advertising from most major player in the UK free flight industry: manufacturers, importers, dealers and a host of peripheral businesses: schools, providers of specialist training courses and overseas accommodation. A classified section offers a wide range of second-hand gliders and equipment.
Price: From £59.00
NB. If you purchase a Skywings magazine subscription for delivery to an overseas address, please do not add any other items to your shopping basket.